TuRa Bremen vs Blumenthaler SV Stats and Prediction

TuRa Bremen vs Blumenthaler SV
TuRa Bremen Form:

Blumenthaler SV Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

The statistics for both TuRa Bremen and Blumenthaler SV show that in the 2023/2024 season, 100% of their matches have had over 1.5 total goals scored. This means that in all of their games, there have been at least 2 goals scored. This is a strong indication that the upcoming match between these two teams is also likely to have over 1.5 total goals scored.

Both teams have consistently shown a tendency to score and concede goals, which increases the likelihood of a high-scoring match. Additionally, with the season being quoted as 2023/2024, it suggests that the statistics are recent and relevant, further supporting the prediction of over 1.5 goals.

Based on these figures, it is safe to say that there is a high probability of over 1.5 total goals being scored in the match between TuRa Bremen and Blumenthaler SV.

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