TS Woltmershausen vs Brinkumer SV Stats and Prediction

TS Woltmershausen vs Brinkumer SV
TS Woltmershausen Form:

Brinkumer SV Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the current statistics for TS Woltmershausen and Brinkumer SV, it is highly likely that the match between these two teams will have over 1.5 total goals scored. Both teams have a 100% record of matches with over 1.5 goals scored in the 2023/2024 season, which indicates a strong trend towards high-scoring matches. This could be due to their offensive playing style or defensive weaknesses, leading to more goals being scored in their matches.

Furthermore, the fact that both teams have a perfect record of over 1.5 goals scored in the current season suggests that this is not just a one-time occurrence, but a consistent pattern throughout the season. This increases the likelihood of over 1.5 goals being scored in their upcoming match.

In conclusion, the high percentage of matches with over 1.5 total goals scored for both TS Woltmershausen and Brinkumer SV indicates a strong possibility of this outcome happening in their match.

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