Rukh Vynnyky vs Veres Rivne Stats and Prediction

Rukh Vynnyky vs Veres Rivne
Rukh Vynnyky Form:

Veres Rivne Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

In the 2023/2024 season, Rukh Vynnyky has played in 60% of their matches with under 3.5 total goals scored. This means that in the majority of their games, there were less than 3.5 goals scored. On the other hand, Veres Rivne has played in all of their matches in the same season with under 3.5 total goals scored. This shows a consistent trend of low-scoring games for Veres Rivne. These statistics suggest that the likelihood of under 3.5 goals being scored in the match between Rukh Vynnyky and Veres Rivne is quite high. Both teams have a strong track record of playing in matches with low goal-scoring outcomes. This could be due to their defensive strategies or lack of attacking prowess. Therefore, it is likely that this match will also have under 3.5 goals scored.

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