Palestino vs Flamengo Stats and Prediction

Palestino vs Flamengo
Palestino Form:

Flamengo Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, there is a high likelihood of the match between Palestino and Flamengo having over 1.5 total goals scored. Palestino has had a 100% rate of matches with over 1.5 goals scored, meaning that in every game they have played this season, there have been at least 2 goals scored. This shows that they have a strong attacking strategy and are likely to score multiple goals in this match. On the other hand, Flamengo has a 60% rate of matches with over 1.5 goals scored, indicating that they also have a good chance of scoring at least 2 goals in this game. With both teams having a high percentage of matches with over 1.5 goals, it is likely that this trend will continue and we can expect to see a match with at least 2 goals scored.

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