Deportivo Táchira vs Libertad Stats and Prediction

Deportivo Táchira vs Libertad
Deportivo Táchira Form:

Libertad Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it seems that both Deportivo Táchira and Libertad have a high chance of scoring over 1.5 goals in their upcoming match. Deportivo Táchira has a 60% success rate of scoring over 1.5 goals in their matches, meaning they have done so in the majority of their games this season. On the other hand, Libertad has a perfect record of scoring over 1.5 goals in all of their matches this season. This suggests that both teams have strong offensive capabilities and are likely to continue their scoring streak in this match. Additionally, the fact that Libertad has a perfect record in this statistic increases the likelihood of ‘Over 1.5’ happening in this match. Overall, these figures contribute to a high probability of ‘Over 1.5’ happening and make it a favorable prediction for this match.

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