Republic of Ireland vs Hungary Stats and Prediction

Republic of Ireland vs Hungary
Republic of Ireland Form:

Hungary Form:

Kick Off:
Under 2.5

According to the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, Republic of Ireland has a high percentage of matches (80%) where there were under 2.5 total goals scored. This suggests that they have a strong defense and tend to play in a more conservative manner, resulting in lower scoring games. On the other hand, Hungary only had 40% of their matches with under 2.5 total goals scored in the same season. This indicates that they tend to have more high-scoring games, which could be due to their attacking style of play. Based on these statistics, it is likely that the upcoming match between Republic of Ireland and Hungary will have under 2.5 total goals scored. Republic of Ireland’s strong defense and Hungary’s tendency to have higher scoring games make it more probable that there will be fewer than 2.5 total goals in this match.

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