FK Chernomorets Novorossiysk vs Torpedo Moskva Stats and Prediction

FK Chernomorets Novorossiysk vs Torpedo Moskva
FK Chernomorets Novorossiysk Form:

Torpedo Moskva Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

The statistics show that both FK Chernomorets Novorossiysk and Torpedo Moskva have a perfect record of matches with under 3.5 total goals scored in the 2023/2024 season. This means that in every game they have played so far, the total number of goals scored by both teams has been under 3.5. This is a strong indication that their upcoming match is likely to have a low scoring result as well. Both teams have consistently shown a defensive style of play, resulting in a low number of goals being scored. Additionally, their past performances suggest that they are evenly matched, which further decreases the likelihood of a high scoring match. Taking into account these factors, it is highly likely that the match between FK Chernomorets Novorossiysk and Torpedo Moskva will have under 3.5 total goals scored.

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