Cienciano vs César Vallejo Stats and Prediction

Cienciano vs César Vallejo
Cienciano Form:

César Vallejo Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The statistics show that both Cienciano and César Vallejo have a high likelihood of having matches with under 4.5 total goals scored in the 2024 season. Cienciano has had 100% of their matches with under 4.5 goals in the current season, while César Vallejo has had 80% of their matches with under 4.5 goals. This indicates that both teams have a strong defensive strategy and are not likely to have high-scoring matches.

Additionally, the fact that both teams have a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 goals scored suggests that this trend is likely to continue in their upcoming match. This is because both teams have consistently shown their ability to keep the score low, making it more likely for the match to have under 4.5 total goals scored. Overall, based on these statistics, it is highly probable that the match between Cienciano and César Vallejo will have under 4.5 goals.

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