Dolný Kubín vs Komárno Stats and Prediction

Dolný Kubín vs Komárno
Dolný Kubín Form:

Komárno Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the data from the 2023/2024 season, it is likely that the match between Dolný Kubín and Komárno will have under 4.5 total goals scored. This is because Dolný Kubín has had a 100% rate of matches with under 4.5 goals scored, while Komárno has had an 80% rate. This means that in the majority of their matches, both teams have had less than 4.5 goals scored. This trend suggests that the teams have strong defenses and do not concede many goals. Additionally, both teams have consistently performed in this manner throughout the season, further increasing the likelihood of under 4.5 goals being scored in this match.

Futura Humenné vs Tatran Prešov Stats and Prediction

Futura Humenné vs Tatran Prešov
Futura Humenné Form:

Tatran Prešov Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the 2024 season statistics, it is highly likely that the upcoming match between Futura Humenné and Tatran Prešov will have less than 4.5 total goals scored. Futura Humenné has a perfect record of 100% of their matches having less than 4.5 total goals scored. This shows that they have a strong defense and are able to limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities. On the other hand, Tatran Prešov has a lower percentage of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored at 40%. This suggests that they may have a weaker defense, but it is still a significant percentage that cannot be ignored. Overall, both teams have a strong likelihood of contributing to an ‘Under 4.5’ outcome, making it a safe prediction for this match.

Slavoj Trebišov vs Pohronie Stats and Prediction

Slavoj Trebišov vs Pohronie
Slavoj Trebišov Form:

Pohronie Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the match between Slavoj Trebišov and Pohronie will have under 4.5 total goals scored. Slavoj Trebišov has had 80% of their matches in this season end with under 4.5 total goals scored, which shows a trend towards low-scoring games. Pohronie, on the other hand, has had all of their matches in this season end with under 4.5 total goals scored, making it a consistent pattern for them. This suggests that both teams have a strong defensive playstyle and are not likely to score many goals. Therefore, the prediction of ‘Under 4.5’ is highly likely to happen in this match. So, for fans of low-scoring games, this match could be an interesting one to watch.

Liptovský Mikuláš vs Spišská Nová Ves Stats and Prediction

Liptovský Mikuláš vs Spišská Nová Ves
Liptovský Mikuláš Form:

Spišská Nová Ves Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the data, it is likely that the football match between Liptovský Mikuláš and Spišská Nová Ves will have over 1.5 total goals scored. Both teams have a high percentage of matches with over 1.5 goals scored in the 2023/2024 season, with Liptovský Mikuláš at 80% and Spišská Nová Ves at 100%. This suggests that both teams have a strong offensive presence and are capable of scoring multiple goals in a match. Additionally, the fact that Spišská Nová Ves has a perfect record of over 1.5 goals scored in every match further reinforces the likelihood of this outcome. Therefore, it is reasonable to predict that there will be at least 2 goals scored in this match.

Lokomotiv Sofia 1929 vs Botev Vratsa Stats and Prediction

Lokomotiv Sofia 1929 vs Botev Vratsa
Lokomotiv Sofia 1929 Form:

Botev Vratsa Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The statistics show that in the 2023/2024 season, both Lokomotiv Sofia 1929 and Botev Vratsa have had a 100% success rate of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored. This indicates that in the majority of their games, both teams have scored fewer than 4.5 goals. Therefore, it is likely that the upcoming match between these two teams will also follow this trend and have under 4.5 total goals scored. This could be due to their defensive strategies, lack of scoring opportunities, or a combination of both. Regardless, the statistics suggest that there is a high likelihood of ‘Under 4.5’ happening in this match. So, if you are looking to bet on this outcome, the statistics support your decision.

OFK Pirin vs Etar Stats and Prediction

OFK Pirin vs Etar
OFK Pirin Form:

Etar Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

Looking at the past performance of OFK Pirin and Etar in the 2023/2024 season, it is clear that both teams have a high percentage of matches with under 3.5 total goals scored. This means that in the majority of their games, there were less than 3.5 goals scored in total. This statistic contributes to the likelihood of ‘Under 3.5’ happening in their upcoming match as it shows that both teams have a tendency to play defensively and score fewer goals. Additionally, this statistic also suggests that both teams have strong defenses, making it less likely for a high-scoring game. Therefore, based on these figures, it is likely that the match between OFK Pirin and Etar will have under 3.5 total goals scored.

Changchun Yatai vs Beijing Guoan Stats and Prediction

Changchun Yatai vs Beijing Guoan
Changchun Yatai Form:

Beijing Guoan Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

Looking at the upcoming match between Changchun Yatai and Beijing Guoan, it is likely that there will be under 3.5 total goals scored. This prediction is supported by the fact that in the 2023/2024 season, both teams have a high percentage of matches with under 3.5 total goals scored, at 60%. This means that in the majority of their matches, the total number of goals scored by both teams is less than 3.5. This indicates that both teams have a strong defense and may struggle to score goals against each other. It is also worth noting that the 60% statistic is consistent for both teams, further increasing the likelihood of under 3.5 total goals in this match. Overall, based on these statistics, it is reasonable to predict that the match between Changchun Yatai and Beijing Guoan will have under 3.5 total goals scored.

Henan Jianye vs Wuhan Three Towns Stats and Prediction

Henan Jianye vs Wuhan Three Towns
Henan Jianye Form:

Wuhan Three Towns Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the season statistics, it is likely that there will be over 1.5 total goals scored in the match between Henan Jianye and Wuhan Three Towns. In the 2023/2024 season, Henan Jianye has a high percentage of matches with over 1.5 total goals scored, indicating that they are a team that tends to score and concede multiple goals in their games. Meanwhile, Wuhan Three Towns also has a relatively high percentage of matches with over 1.5 total goals scored, suggesting that they are also capable of scoring and conceding multiple goals in their matches. This suggests that both teams have a tendency to play an attacking style of football, increasing the likelihood of over 1.5 total goals being scored in this match.

Monterrey vs Cruz Azul Stats and Prediction

Monterrey vs Cruz Azul
Monterrey Form:

Cruz Azul Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The statistics show that in the 2023/2024 season, Monterrey had a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored, at 80%. This means that in the majority of their games, there were less than 4.5 goals scored. On the other hand, Cruz Azul had an even higher percentage, at 100%, indicating that all of their matches in the same season had under 4.5 total goals scored. These figures suggest that both teams have a strong defensive strategy and are able to limit the number of goals scored by their opponents. This, in turn, contributes to the likelihood of ‘Under 4.5’ happening in their upcoming match. Furthermore, based on these statistics, it is safe to assume that the match between Monterrey and Cruz Azul is likely to be a low scoring game.

CD Universidad Católica vs Alianza Petrolera Stats and Prediction

CD Universidad Católica vs Alianza Petrolera
CD Universidad Católica Form:

Alianza Petrolera Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

In the 2023/2024 season, 80% of CD Universidad Católica’s matches have had under 4.5 total goals scored, while 100% of Alianza Petrolera’s matches have had the same outcome. This suggests that both teams have a consistent trend of playing in low-scoring matches. This could be due to their strong defensive strategies and limited attacking capabilities. Additionally, both teams have a similar record in terms of under 4.5 goals scored, which further increases the likelihood of this outcome in their upcoming match. Based on these statistics, it is highly probable that the match between CD Universidad Católica and Alianza Petrolera will have under 4.5 total goals scored.

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