Alianza Lima vs Cerro Porteño Stats and Prediction

Alianza Lima vs Cerro Porteño
Alianza Lima Form:

Cerro Porteño Form:

Kick Off:
Under 2.5

Based on the statistics, there is a high likelihood that the match between Alianza Lima and Cerro Porteño will have under 2.5 total goals scored. This is because in the 2023/2024 season, 80% of Alianza Lima’s matches have ended with under 2.5 goals, while only 40% of Cerro Porteño’s matches have had the same outcome. This suggests that Alianza Lima tends to have low scoring matches, while Cerro Porteño has a slightly higher chance of scoring more goals. However, when both teams face each other, it is more likely that the match will have a lower number of goals due to Alianza Lima’s strong defensive record. Therefore, based on these figures, it is reasonable to predict that the match between Alianza Lima and Cerro Porteño will have under 2.5 total goals scored.

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