Vejle vs OB Stats and Prediction

Vejle vs OB
Vejle Form:

OB Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

According to the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, both Vejle and OB have a 100% success rate in matches with under 4.5 total goals scored. This means that in all of their previous games, the total number of goals scored was less than 4.5. This is a very promising trend for the prediction of ‘Under 4.5′ in their upcoming match. Both teams have consistently shown a strong defensive strategy, resulting in fewer goals being scored against them. This, combined with their ability to limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities, makes it highly likely that the trend of under 4.5 total goals will continue in this match. Additionally, since these statistics are for the current season, they are a more accurate reflection of the teams’ current form and style of play. Therefore, based on these figures, we can confidently predict that this match between Vejle and OB will have under 4.5 total goals scored.

Varberg vs Trelleborg Stats and Prediction

Varberg vs Trelleborg
Varberg Form:

Trelleborg Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it is likely that the match between Varberg and Trelleborg will have under 3.5 total goals scored. Varberg has a high percentage of matches with under 3.5 goals scored at 80%, while Trelleborg has an even higher percentage at 100%. This indicates that both teams have a history of playing defensively and not scoring many goals in their matches. Additionally, the fact that Trelleborg has a perfect record of 100% in matches with under 3.5 total goals scored suggests that they are very consistent in their defensive strategy. Therefore, it is highly likely that this match will have under 3.5 total goals scored, based on the strong defensive performances of both teams in the 2023/2024 season.

Shabab Al Ahli Dubai vs Al Sharjah Stats and Prediction

Shabab Al Ahli Dubai vs Al Sharjah
Shabab Al Ahli Dubai Form:

Al Sharjah Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the past performance of Shabab Al Ahli Dubai and Al Sharjah in the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the upcoming football match between these two teams will have over 1.5 total goals scored. Both teams have a 100% success rate in matches with over 1.5 total goals scored, indicating that they have consistently been able to score multiple goals in their previous games. This trend is likely to continue in the upcoming match, as both teams have shown a strong attacking prowess. This statistic suggests that the match will be an exciting one, with plenty of goals to be expected. It also highlights the offensive strength of both teams, making it more likely for the match to have over 1.5 total goals scored.

Al Bataeh vs Al Wasl Stats and Prediction

Al Bataeh vs Al Wasl
Al Bataeh Form:

Al Wasl Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the 2023/2024 season statistics, both Al Bataeh and Al Wasl have a 100% record of matches with over 1.5 total goals scored. This means that in every game they played, there were at least 2 goals scored. This is a strong indication that the upcoming match between these two teams is likely to have over 1.5 total goals scored. Both teams have consistently shown their offensive capabilities and have a high likelihood of scoring multiple goals in a match. Additionally, with both teams having a 100% record in the same season, it further supports the likelihood of over 1.5 total goals being scored in this match. Therefore, based on the season’s statistics, it is highly likely that the match between Al Bataeh and Al Wasl will have over 1.5 total goals scored.

Al Jabalain vs Al-Ain Stats and Prediction

Al Jabalain vs Al-Ain
Al Jabalain Form:

Al-Ain Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The upcoming football match between Al Jabalain and Al-Ain is likely to have a low scoring outcome, with a high likelihood of ‘Under 4.5’ total goals being scored. This conclusion is based on the recent history of both teams, with Al Jabalain having a perfect record of 100% of their matches in the 2023/2024 season ending with under 4.5 goals, while Al-Ain had 80% of their matches in the same season with the same outcome. These statistics suggest that both teams have a tendency to play defensively, resulting in fewer goals being scored in their matches. As a result, it is highly likely that the upcoming match between these two teams will also have a low scoring outcome, with under 4.5 total goals being scored.

Jastrzębie vs Chojniczanka Chojnice Stats and Prediction

Jastrzębie vs Chojniczanka Chojnice
Jastrzębie Form:

Chojniczanka Chojnice Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics from the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the match between Jastrzębie and Chojniczanka Chojnice will have under 4.5 total goals scored. Both teams have a 100% rate of matches with under 4.5 goals, indicating a strong trend towards low-scoring games. This could be due to their defensive strategies, lack of goal-scoring opportunities, or overall team dynamics. Regardless of the reason, these figures show that both teams have consistently been involved in matches with less than 4.5 goals, making it a safe bet to predict a similar outcome for this match. This prediction is further supported by the fact that the data is from the entire 2023/2024 season, providing a larger sample size and making it a more reliable indicator of the teams’ playing styles.

El Geish vs Al Masry Stats and Prediction

El Geish vs Al Masry
El Geish Form:

Al Masry Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the data from the 2023/2024 season, it appears that both El Geish and Al Masry have a strong trend of scoring under 4.5 total goals in their matches. El Geish has a perfect record of 100% of their matches ending with under 4.5 goals, while Al Masry has a solid 80% rate. This suggests that both teams have a tendency to play defensively and not score a lot of goals. Furthermore, if we take into account the fact that they are playing against each other, it is likely that this trend will continue and the match will also end with under 4.5 goals. This is further supported by the fact that both teams have a similar percentage, indicating a similar playing style. Therefore, based on these figures, it is highly likely that the match between El Geish and Al Masry will have under 4.5 total goals scored.

Flekkerøy vs Viking II Stats and Prediction

Flekkerøy vs Viking II
Flekkerøy Form:

Viking II Form:

Kick Off:

Based on the season average, both Flekkerøy and Viking II have a high chance of scoring in their matches. Flekkerøy has scored in 80% of their matches, while Viking II has scored in 100% of their matches. This indicates that both teams have strong offensive capabilities and are likely to score in their upcoming match. Additionally, when looking at the total number of goals scored by each team in the 2023/2024 season, both teams have a high average of 4 and 5 goals respectively. This further supports the likelihood of ‘BTTS Yes’ happening in their upcoming match. Overall, these figures suggest that there is a strong possibility of both teams scoring in their match, making ‘BTTS Yes’ a likely outcome.

UCD vs Cobh Ramblers Stats and Prediction

UCD vs Cobh Ramblers
UCD Form:

Cobh Ramblers Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

According to the statistics, both UCD and Cobh Ramblers have a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored in the 2023/2024 season. This suggests that both teams have a tendency to play defensively and not score a lot of goals. This could be due to their playing style, strong defensive strategies, or lack of offensive firepower. As a result, there is a high likelihood that the upcoming match between these two teams will also have under 4.5 total goals scored. This prediction is supported by the fact that both teams have consistently shown a preference for low-scoring matches throughout the season. Therefore, based on these statistics, it is very probable that the match between UCD and Cobh Ramblers will have under 4.5 total goals scored.

Treaty United vs Athlone Town Stats and Prediction

Treaty United vs Athlone Town
Treaty United Form:

Athlone Town Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics, it appears that both Treaty United and Athlone Town have a strong tendency to play in matches with relatively low scoring. Both teams have a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored in the 2023/2024 season, with Treaty United at 80% and Athlone Town at 100%. This suggests that both teams have a solid defense and struggle to score a large number of goals. As a result, the chances of ‘Under 4.5’ happening in their upcoming match seem quite likely. With both teams having a track record of playing low scoring games, it is expected that this trend will continue in their upcoming match. This means that there is a high possibility that the total number of goals in the match will not exceed 4.5. Therefore, based on these statistics, it is reasonable to predict that the match between Treaty United and Athlone Town will have ‘Under 4.5’ total goals scored.

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