St. Johnstone vs Ross County Stats and Prediction

St. Johnstone vs Ross County
St. Johnstone Form:

Ross County Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The key statistics for St. Johnstone show that in the 2023/2024 season, all of their matches had under 4.5 total goals scored. This means that in every game, the total number of goals scored by both teams was less than 4.5. On the other hand, Ross County had 60% of their matches in the same season with under 4.5 total goals scored. This indicates that in the majority of their games, the total goals scored were less than 4.5. These figures suggest a high likelihood of the ‘Under 4.5’ prediction coming true in the upcoming match between these two teams. This is because both teams have a track record of playing low-scoring games, with St. Johnstone having a perfect record in this regard. Therefore, based on their past performances, it is likely that this match will also have under 4.5 total goals scored, making this prediction a safe bet.

St. Mirren vs Hearts Stats and Prediction

St. Mirren vs Hearts
St. Mirren Form:

Hearts Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the football match between St. Mirren and Hearts will have under 4.5 total goals scored. St. Mirren has had 100% of their matches this season with under 4.5 goals, while Hearts have had 80% of their matches with under 4.5 goals. This indicates that both teams have a tendency to play defensively and not score many goals. Additionally, the fact that St. Mirren has had a perfect record of under 4.5 goals this season adds to the likelihood of this outcome. It is also worth noting that this percentage is significantly higher than the overall league average, further supporting the prediction of under 4.5 goals. Overall, these figures suggest that the match between St. Mirren and Hearts is likely to have a low goal count, making ‘Under 4.5’ a sensible prediction.

Zürich vs Servette Stats and Prediction

Zürich vs Servette
Zürich Form:

Servette Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

The statistics for both Zürich and Servette show that in the 2023/2024 season, all of their matches have had under 4.5 total goals scored. This indicates that both teams have a strong defensive strategy and are not prone to conceding many goals. This is further supported by the fact that this trend has continued throughout the entire season for both teams. As a result, it is highly likely that the upcoming match between Zürich and Servette will also have under 4.5 total goals scored. This prediction is based on the consistent performance of both teams throughout the current season, which suggests that they are strong defensively and will likely continue to limit the number of goals scored in their matches.

Kilmarnock vs Celtic Stats and Prediction

Kilmarnock vs Celtic
Kilmarnock Form:

Celtic Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, both Kilmarnock and Celtic have a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored, at 80%. This indicates that in the majority of their games, both teams have scored less than 4.5 goals. This trend suggests that there is a strong likelihood that the upcoming match between these two teams will also have a low number of goals scored, making the prediction of ‘Under 4.5’ a reasonable one. Additionally, the fact that both teams have consistently had a high percentage of matches with under 4.5 goals throughout the season further supports this prediction. It is important to note that while statistics are not a guarantee, they can provide valuable insights into a team’s performance and trends, making them a useful tool in predicting outcomes.

Gimnasia Mendoza vs Club Atlético Mitre Stats and Prediction

Gimnasia Mendoza vs Club Atlético Mitre
Gimnasia Mendoza Form:

Club Atlético Mitre Form:

Kick Off:

Based on the season statistics for Gimnasia Mendoza and Club Atlético Mitre, it is likely that ‘BTTS Yes’ will happen in the upcoming match between the two teams. Gimnasia Mendoza has a season average of 2 goals scored per match and has seen both teams score in 40% of their matches this season. This shows their strong attacking capabilities and their tendency to allow the opposition to score as well. On the other hand, Club Atlético Mitre has a season average of 0 goals scored per match and has not seen both teams score in any of their matches this season. However, this could be due to their strong defensive record and not necessarily a lack of attacking ability. Therefore, based on these statistics, it is likely that both teams will score in the upcoming match, making ‘BTTS Yes’ a reasonable prediction.

Olympiakos Piraeus vs AEK Athens Stats and Prediction

Olympiakos Piraeus vs AEK Athens
Olympiakos Piraeus Form:

AEK Athens Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

In the 2023/2024 season, both Olympiakos Piraeus and AEK Athens had a 100% record of matches with over 1.5 total goals scored. This means that in every game they played, there were more than 1.5 goals scored. This statistic suggests that both teams have strong offensive capabilities and tend to score goals frequently. As a result, the likelihood of ‘Over 1.5’ happening in their upcoming match is high. Additionally, looking at the season as a whole, it is clear that both teams consistently produce high-scoring games, further supporting the prediction of ‘Over 1.5’. Overall, the statistics show that this match has a high potential for goals to be scored, making it a promising choice for those looking to bet on ‘Over 1.5’.

Västerås SK vs Värnamo Stats and Prediction

Västerås SK vs Värnamo
Västerås SK Form:

Värnamo Form:

Kick Off:
Under 4.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, both Västerås SK and Värnamo have a 100% record of matches with under 4.5 total goals scored. This means that in every game they have played so far, there have been less than 4.5 goals scored in total.

This information suggests that both teams have strong defenses and are not likely to concede many goals. Additionally, it also indicates that they may not have very potent attacking capabilities, making it less likely for the total number of goals to exceed 4.5.

Therefore, the likelihood of ‘Under 4.5’ happening in the match between Västerås SK and Värnamo is quite high, based on their consistent performance in the current season. However, it is important to note that unexpected events can occur in any match, so this prediction is not guaranteed.

Mjällby vs Hammarby Stats and Prediction

Mjällby vs Hammarby
Mjällby Form:

Hammarby Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the current season statistics for both Mjällby and Hammarby, it is highly likely that the upcoming football match between these two teams will have over 1.5 total goals scored. Both teams have a 100% record in this aspect, meaning that in all of their matches in the 2023/2024 season so far, there have been at least 2 goals scored. This suggests that both teams have a strong attacking mentality and are capable of scoring multiple goals in a single match. Additionally, this also indicates that their defense may not be as strong, making it easier for their opponents to score goals. Therefore, based on these statistics, it is highly likely that the match between Mjällby and Hammarby will have over 1.5 total goals scored.

Elfsborg vs AIK Stats and Prediction

Elfsborg vs AIK
Elfsborg Form:

AIK Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the reported statistics for the 2023/2024 season, both Elfsborg and AIK have had a 100% success rate in matches with over 1.5 total goals scored. This indicates that in every game they have played so far, there have been at least 2 goals scored, making it highly likely that this trend will continue in their upcoming match.

Elfsborg and AIK both have strong offensive abilities, as demonstrated by their high percentage of matches with over 1.5 goals scored. This suggests that they are likely to continue their impressive goal-scoring form in the upcoming match. Additionally, both teams have shown consistency in their ability to score goals, which further supports the likelihood of over 1.5 goals being scored in this match.

Overall, the statistics provided indicate that the likelihood of over 1.5 goals being scored in the Elfsborg vs AIK match is high, making it a promising option for a prediction.

Busaiteen vs Al Riffa Stats and Prediction

Busaiteen vs Al Riffa
Busaiteen Form:

Al Riffa Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that there will be over 1.5 total goals scored in the football match between Busaiteen and Al Riffa. Both teams have a 100% record of matches with over 1.5 goals scored, indicating that they have been consistently scoring and conceding multiple goals in their recent games. This suggests that they have strong attacking capabilities and may be vulnerable in defense, making it likely for there to be at least two goals scored in the match. Fans can expect an exciting and high-scoring game between these two teams. Overall, the statistics contribute to the high likelihood of there being over 1.5 goals scored in this match, providing an entertaining spectacle for football fans.

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