Fortaleza CEIF vs Atlético Bucaramanga Stats and Prediction

Fortaleza CEIF vs Atlético Bucaramanga
Fortaleza CEIF Form:

Atlético Bucaramanga Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

Based on the data from the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the upcoming match between Fortaleza CEIF and Atlético Bucaramanga will have under 3.5 total goals scored. Fortaleza CEIF has had a perfect record so far, with 100% of their matches in the season ending with under 3.5 total goals. This means that they have a strong defensive strategy and have been able to limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities. On the other hand, Atlético Bucaramanga has had 80% of their matches in the season ending with under 3.5 total goals. While they do have a slightly higher percentage of matches with more than 3.5 goals, it is still a significant majority of their matches. This suggests that they also have a solid defensive strategy and have been able to keep their opponents from scoring too many goals. Overall, the combination of these statistics makes it highly likely that the match between these two teams will result in under 3.5 total goals scored.

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