Estudiantes vs Grêmio Stats and Prediction

Estudiantes vs Grêmio
Estudiantes Form:

Grêmio Form:

Kick Off:
Over 1.5

Looking at the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, we can see that Estudiantes has had a 100% success rate in matches where over 1.5 total goals were scored. This means that in every game they have played so far, there have been at least two goals scored. On the other hand, Grêmio has had a slightly lower success rate of 80% in matches with over 1.5 total goals. This suggests that there is a high likelihood of over 1.5 total goals being scored in the match between Estudiantes and Grêmio. However, it is worth noting that Grêmio’s success rate is still relatively high, so there is a chance that the match could end with only one goal scored. Overall, the statistics indicate that there is a strong possibility of over 1.5 total goals being scored in this match.

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