Over 1.5
Based on the statistics from the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the match between Zagłębie Lubin and Puszcza Niepołomice will have over 1.5 total goals scored. Zagłębie Lubin has had a 100% success rate in matches with over 1.5 goals, indicating that they are a high-scoring team. On the other hand, Puszcza Niepołomice has a 60% success rate in such matches, which is still a significant number. This suggests that both teams have a strong offensive presence and are likely to score at least 2 goals in the match. Additionally, the fact that both teams have a similar success rate in over 1.5 goal matches further supports the likelihood of this outcome. Therefore, based on these figures, it is safe to say that there is a high chance of the match ending with over 1.5 total goals scored.