Świt Skolwin vs Olimpia Elbląg Stats and Prediction

Świt Skolwin vs Olimpia Elbląg
Świt Skolwin Form:

Olimpia Elbląg Form:

Kick Off:
Under 2.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, there is a higher likelihood of the match between Świt Skolwin and Olimpia Elbląg ending with under 2.5 total goals scored. This is because Świt Skolwin has had 40% of their matches in this season end with under 2.5 goals scored, while Olimpia Elbląg has had 60% of their matches end in the same way. This suggests that both teams have a tendency to play defensively and not score many goals. Additionally, since both teams have a relatively low percentage of matches with over 2.5 total goals scored, it is likely that they will continue this trend in their upcoming match. Therefore, based on the statistics, it is reasonable to predict that the match will end with under 2.5 total goals scored.

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