Sion vs Winterthur Stats and Prediction

Sion vs Winterthur
Sion Form:

Winterthur Form:

Kick Off:
Over 3.5

Based on the statistics from the 2023/2024 season, there is a higher likelihood of the match between Sion and Winterthur having over 3.5 total goals scored. Sion has a 40% rate of matches with over 3.5 goals, which is a fairly high percentage, while Winterthur only has a 20% rate. This indicates that Sion tends to have more high-scoring matches compared to Winterthur.

Additionally, the fact that both teams have a relatively low rate of matches with over 3.5 goals suggests that this type of outcome is not common for either team. However, when they do have high-scoring matches, Sion seems to have a higher chance of reaching over 3.5 goals.

Overall, the statistics show that there is a higher likelihood of the match between Sion and Winterthur having over 3.5 total goals scored, but it is not a guarantee as both teams have a relatively low rate of this type of outcome. Factors such as current form and player performance will also play a role in determining the final score of the match.

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