SD Tarazona vs Mirandés Stats and Prediction

SD Tarazona vs Mirandés
SD Tarazona Form:

Mirandés Form:

Kick Off:
Under 3.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it is highly likely that the match between SD Tarazona and Mirandés will have under 3.5 total goals scored. This is because in the 80% of matches played by SD Tarazona, there were less than 3.5 total goals scored, and in all of the matches played by Mirandés, there were also less than 3.5 total goals scored. This shows that both teams have a strong track record of playing defensively and not allowing many goals to be scored. Additionally, with Mirandés having a 100% record of under 3.5 total goals scored, it further supports the likelihood of this outcome. Overall, based on these statistics, it is safe to predict that the match between SD Tarazona and Mirandés will have under 3.5 total goals scored.

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