Over 1.5
Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, Midtjylland has played in matches where over 1.5 total goals were scored 80% of the time, indicating that there is a high likelihood of this happening in their upcoming match against Vejle. This could be due to Midtjylland’s strong offensive play and ability to score multiple goals in a match. On the other hand, Vejle has only played in matches where over 1.5 total goals were scored 60% of the time, suggesting that it may be less likely for this to occur in their match against Midtjylland. This could be due to Vejle’s defensive tactics and lower scoring record. However, it is important to note that statistics do not always predict the outcome of a match and other factors such as team form and injuries should also be considered. Overall, the high percentage of matches with over 1.5 total goals for Midtjylland contributes to the likelihood of this outcome in their match against Vejle.