ŁKS Łódź vs Kotwica Kołobrzeg Stats and Prediction

ŁKS Łódź vs Kotwica Kołobrzeg
ŁKS Łódź Form:

Kotwica Kołobrzeg Form:

Kick Off:
Under 2.5

Based on the statistics, it seems that both ŁKS Łódź and Kotwica Kołobrzeg tend to have matches with a low number of goals. In the 2023/2024 season, ŁKS Łódź had 40% of their matches with under 2.5 total goals scored, while Kotwica Kołobrzeg had an even higher percentage of 60%. This suggests that both teams have a strong defensive strategy and tend to play more defensively rather than offensively. This increases the likelihood of ‘Under 2.5’ happening in their upcoming match, as both teams have a track record of playing low-scoring games. Additionally, the fact that Kotwica Kołobrzeg has a higher percentage of matches with under 2.5 total goals scored in the same season suggests that they may have a stronger defense than ŁKS Łódź. This further supports the prediction of a low-scoring match between these two teams.

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