Legia Warszawa vs Brøndby Stats and Prediction

Legia Warszawa vs Brøndby
Legia Warszawa Form:

Brøndby Form:

Kick Off:
Over 3.5

Based on the statistics for the 2023/2024 season, it can be seen that Legia Warszawa has a higher percentage of matches with over 3.5 total goals scored compared to Brøndby. This suggests that there is a higher likelihood of ‘Over 3.5’ happening in the match between these two teams. In other words, there is a higher chance of the match having four or more total goals scored.

This could be due to the fact that Legia Warszawa has a strong attacking lineup and tends to score more goals in their matches. On the other hand, Brøndby may have a more defensive approach, resulting in fewer total goals being scored in their matches.

Additionally, the statistics for the current season give us a good indication of the current form of the teams, making it more likely for ‘Over 3.5’ to happen in this match. However, as with any football match, there are other factors that can influence the outcome, so it is not a guarantee.

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