Under 2.5
Based on the statistics from the 2023/2024 season, it is likely that the football match between Fakel and Krasnodar will have ‘Under 2.5′ total goals scored. Fakel has a 60% rate of matches with under 2.5 goals, meaning that in the majority of their games, there are less than 2.5 goals scored. Similarly, Krasnodar has an even higher rate of 80% of matches with under 2.5 goals. This indicates that both teams tend to have low scoring games, making it more likely that this match will also have a low number of goals. Additionally, these statistics suggest that both teams have strong defensive strategies, which can lead to fewer goals being scored. Therefore, based on the statistics and the teams’ playing style, it is highly likely that this match will have ‘Under 2.5’ total goals scored.