Based on the statistics, the likelihood of ‘BTTS No’ happening in the match between Brescia and Renate is high. In the 2023/2024 season, Brescia has a season average of 2 matches where both teams scored, which means that they have a strong attacking record. However, only 40% of their matches resulted in both teams scoring, indicating that their defense is also solid. On the other hand, Renate has a season average of 0 matches where both teams scored, showing that they have a weaker attacking record. Additionally, in 100% of their matches, both teams did not score. This suggests that Renate’s defense is also strong. Therefore, with Brescia’s strong defense and Renate’s weak attack, it is likely that ‘BTTS No’ will occur in this match. The statistics indicate that there is a high chance that one team will keep a clean sheet while the other team struggles to score, resulting in a low-scoring match with no goals from both teams.